About company


"Valkyria" company was founded in 1999. The main activity of the company is the production of permanent formwork blocks of polystyrene foam for the construction of buildings and structures by technology Thermo House.

This technology, popular in Europe, was relatively new to Ukraine. Taking into consideration the perspective of energy-saving technologies development in our country the first production line of thermoblocks was launched in 2000.

Today, "Valkyria" Ltd. - is a large production and construction company, successfully operating in the domestic Ukrainian market and in the markets of near and far abroad.

The products manufactured by "Valkyria" is sold in almost all regions of Ukraine, and we are always open for cooperation. A large number of construction companies that use our technology has accumulated vast experience. Thus, in recent years in Ukraine have been built buildings of various functionalities. These are apartment buildings and individual cottages, warehouse and industrial buildings, administrative and office centers, hospitals and kindergartens.

The Construction department of the company will offer you a full complex of construction, design and architectural services. Our architects will help you determine the type, size and functionality of your future home. Designers will offer original ideas for the arrangement of the interior, facade as well as landscaping of the plot. We are ready to translate into reality any of your dreams of your own home.

Since 2010 Valkyria LLC is a member of the Association "All-Ukrainian Union of Manufacturers of Construction Materials".

Since 2017 Valkyria LLC is a member of Association of "Foam manufacturers of Ukraine".

In 2011 "Valkyria" LLC became the winner in the category "The best manufacturer of building materials" of the First Ukrainian award "IBuild Ukraine".

In 2024, LLC "Valkyria" was accepted into the Board of Directors of the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine!